public class GuestListService implements Serializable, IGuestListService { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3552207441192189726L; public List2、配置bean:在blazeds/WEB-INF/下新建applicationContext.xml文件,添加getGuestList() { List guestList = new ArrayList (); guestList.add(new Guest("Guest One")); guestList.add(new Guest("Guest Two")); guestList.add(new Guest("Guest Three")); guestList.add(new Guest("Guest Four")); return guestList; }}
4、打开blazeds/WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml,添加contextConfigLocation /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener
使得flex的bean对象创建交由spring负责 SpringFactory类的代码如下:
package;import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;import;import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;import org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;import flex.messaging.FactoryInstance;import flex.messaging.FlexFactory;import flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap;import;/** * This interface is implemented by factory components which provide instances * to the flex messaging framework. * * @author Jeff Vroom */public class SpringFactory implements FlexFactory { private static final String SOURCE = "source"; /** * This method can be used to initialize the factory itself. It is called * with configuration parameters from the factory tag which defines the id * of the factory. */ public void initialize(String id, ConfigMap configMap) { } /** * This method is called when we initialize the definition of an instance * which will be looked up by this factory. It should validate that the * properties supplied are valid to define an instance. Any valid properties * used for this configuration must be accessed to avoid warnings about * unused configuration elements. If your factory is only used for * application scoped components, this method can simply return a factory * instance which delegates the creation of the component to the * FactoryInstance's lookup method. */ public FactoryInstance createFactoryInstance(String id, ConfigMap properties) { SpringFactoryInstance instance = new SpringFactoryInstance(this, id, properties); instance.setSource(properties.getPropertyAsString(SOURCE, instance.getId())); return instance; } // end method createFactoryInstance() /** * Returns the instance specified by the source and properties arguments. * For the factory, this may mean constructing a new instance, optionally * registering it in some other name space such as the session or JNDI, and * then returning it or it may mean creating a new instance and returning * it. This method is called for each request to operate on the given item * by the system so it should be relatively efficient. *5、将service公开,提供flex客户端调用:打开blazeds/WEB-INF/flex/remoting-config.xml,增加如下配置* If your factory does not support the scope property, it report an error * if scope is supplied in the properties for this instance. */ public Object lookup(FactoryInstance inst) { SpringFactoryInstance factoryInstance = (SpringFactoryInstance) inst; return factoryInstance.lookup(); } static class SpringFactoryInstance extends FactoryInstance { SpringFactoryInstance(SpringFactory factory, String id, ConfigMap properties) { super(factory, id, properties); } public String toString() { return "SpringFactory instance for id =" + getId() + " source=" + getSource() + " scope=" + getScope(); } public Object lookup() { ApplicationContext appContext = WebApplicationContextUtils .getWebApplicationContext(flex.messaging.FlexContext .getServletConfig().getServletContext()); String beanName = getSource(); try { return appContext.getBean(beanName); } catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException nexc) { ServiceException e = new ServiceException(); String msg = "Spring service named '" + beanName + "' does not exist."; e.setMessage(msg); e.setRootCause(nexc); e.setDetails(msg); e.setCode("Server.Processing"); throw e; } catch (BeansException bexc) { ServiceException e = new ServiceException(); String msg = "Unable to create Spring service named '" + beanName + "' "; e.setMessage(msg); e.setRootCause(bexc); e.setDetails(msg); e.setCode("Server.Processing"); throw e; } } }}
至此,服务端整合、开发完毕 ====================客户端开发======================================== 1、新建flex应用程序,添加remoteObject调用:spring
GuestListService.getGuestList()后的List<Guest> 列表
private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void { guestListDP = ArrayCollection(event.result); }至此客户端就得到了服务器端的数据了,下面就是根据业务自由处理了。 效果图: